1ST ROUND: For the first round you will be able to choose two movies that have Buffy characters in it. Here are a few that you can choose from:
Valentine (DB) OR
Summer Catch (MB,Ch K) OR
Bring It On (ED, Cl K) OR
Cruel Intentions (SMG) OR
True Lies (ED) OR
Bye, Bye Love (ED, AB) OR
I Know What You Did Last Summer (SMG) OR
American Pie 1 and 2 (AH) OR
Idle Hands (SG) OR
Austin Powers 1 and 2 (SG) OR
Simply Irresitable (SMG) OR
Rat Race (SG) OR
Inspector Gadget (MT) OR
Harriet the Spy (MT) OR
I Know You Screamed Last Friday The 13th (DS,JB) OR
Any movie that you can think of
Key: DB: David Boreanaz, MB: Marc Blucas, Ch K: Christian Kane, Ed: Eliza Dushku, Cl K: Clare Kramer, SMG: Sarah Michelle Gellar, AB: Amber Benson, AH: Alyson Hannigan, SG: Seth Green, MT: Michelle Trachtenburg, DS: Danny Strong, JB: Julie Benz
2ND ROUND: For the second round you can choose one of these Cds:
Music For Elevators: Anthony's Cd
Ghost Of A Robot: James and his band's Cd
Kane: Christian Kane's Cd
Once More With Feeling Soundtrack
3RD ROUND: For the 3rd round the question will get harder and it will be a longer round therefore the prizes will be bigger. A person in the USA may choose between the season 1 or 2 or 3 *if it is out* season Dvds. But since DVDS are not able to be played out of the USA *or something stupid like that* if someone out of the USA wins they may have a choice between any "Special" books such as the Watcher's Guides or the Angel Casefiles or the Script's Books you decide along with that I will send you the Angel and Buffy crossover trilogy books.