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*Sniff,sniff I Miss Giles!! And Nina you helped me out thanks!*
For Brent and Buzzy. Lol.
Well we all know by now that Giles and Spike are very much British so I decided for the benefit of my friends and well just cause it's fun to put up a list of British sayings.
Well me and my friends all have this running joke with British saying. Please do not be offended by any of them if you are by chance British cause I swear they are just a joke.
-Bloody hell
-Me mum says....
-Stupid friggin bint
-Moronic sucky
-Telly time
-"Awww poor little Watcher did your life flash 'fore your eyes? Cupof tea, Cup of tea, almost got shagged, cup of tea?" -Spike
-Tea and crumpets
-"Blah,blah,blah I'm so stuffy give me a scone." -Buffy
*Yes I am aware of the fact that this is not a British saying I just think it was funny*
British words -Bint, Buggar, Bloody, Scone, Shag, Bogey, Mum, Telly, Gob, Feking
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